Friday 10 March 2017

Assertive Rights - Statements which apply to every single person on the planet!

Assertive Rights

Here is a list which every single human being on the planet has the right to.
Have a read through the list. First of all say the words out loud. How do they feel? Can you believe the statements?

I have the right to be responsible for my own actions.

I have the right to make mistakes.

I have the right to be myself.

I have the right to be treated with respect.

I have the right to have and express my thoughts, feelings and opinions.

I have the right to say no without feeling guilty.

I have the right to change my mind.

I have the right to say I don’t know.

I have the right to feel and express my anger.

I have the right to have my needs be as important as the needs of others.

I have the right to do things other people do not approve of.

I have the right to ask why or why not.

I have the right to ask for help.

I have the right to say I don’t understand.

I am not responsible for the actions of others.

First of all, these statements are true. They are true for everybody. Take some time to think about each statement. You may know them to be true but you may not feel up to speed with the idea of them.
This is the work. Working towards feeling as though you can believe these statements.
Make sure you can believe the statements. If you can’t believe them about yourself at first, if it makes it easier for you, imagine the statements are true for other people.
Next comes the question, if the statements are true for other people, why aren’t they true for you?
You may have some examples and experiences of when these statements definitely were not true. If you want to talk about events which have happened to you and the experiences you have had, it may help you bring up any thoughts and feelings you have around being assertive and being respected.

Feel free to contact me via my website


Tamasin xx

Daily positive steps

Daily routine to feel better and line up with higher energy

To believe we are vibrational beings is asking for a giant leap of Faith from the average person. 

For people who enjoy the knowledge offered through Esther Hicks (see her website it is not such a giant leap.

Four easy things to do every day which will help you feel better.

1.     Meditate for 15 minutes

2.     Go outside, whatever the weather, look upwards and outwards

3.     Make a list of positive aspects (things to feel good about)

4.     Acknowledge the Universe out loud.

So, these little things sound simple, like everything else, it is the practice which makes it easier. Adding anything to a daily routine seems like an effort in the early days. Once you have included any of the above four behaviours, you may well find your day incomplete if you leave any of them out.


Tamasin xx

Wednesday 1 March 2017

Five stages of life

Hello Dear Blogger Readers,

I have enjoyed watching Wayne Dyer recently in one of his old YouTube videos. He tells the following story in various ways in his talks. 

Wayne Dyer asked one of his workshops to perform an exercise which involved writing the five chapters of their life. A couple of sentences about their life. He remembers one written by Portia Nelson. Here is the story he tells.

Chapter One

I walked along the street and fell into a giant hole which I didn't see. I was lost in the hole, helpless, it wasn't my fault! It took me forever to find a way out.

Chapter Two

I walked along the street and pretended I didn't see the giant hole. I fell into the hole. It wasn't my fault. It takes a long time to get out.

Chapter Three

I walked along the street and fell into the giant hole. I fall in, I know where I am, I get out immediately.

Chapter Four

I walked along the street, I see the deep hole, I walk around it.

Chapter Five

I walk down a different street.

This is such a simple example of how we repeat patterns, whether it is addictive behaviour, abusive relationship patterns, bad business decisions, poor relationship choices. Whatever is happening for us in our lives we often repeat the same steps until we learn enough that we can take different steps.

Lots of love and light to everyone who needs it.

Tamasin xx

Sunday 29 January 2017

A few questions for you.

Hello Dear Blogger Reader,

If you need any help figuring out what you are sending out to the Universe, ask yourself these questions.
When you can answer an emphatic YES to each question, you are on the right path. The point of this list is to help you to clarify where you are, what you are thinking and feeling. This is why people go for counselling, there is only so far you can go by helping yourself. Don't get me wrong, you can go a long way, many people have, but for those who are stuck or unsure where they are going wrong, a qualified therapist can be the most useful tool you can find. The questions below are from an Abraham-Hicks workshop. The best way to use these questions is to read through the list until you can't say YES, and then start again, over and over until you catch up with how you feel about the question. If in doubt, find a therapist.

Do you accept you are a vibrational being? 

Do you believe you live in a vibrational universe?

Do you believe that the Law of Attraction is working in the background, just like Gravity?

Do you believe that the Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration?

Do you believe your vibration equals your Point of Attraction?

Do you think you have some measure of control over the vibration you are offering?

Do you believe the thoughts you think and the way you feel are connected?

Do you think you have got some beliefs that are hindering?

Do you think you have got some beliefs that are helping?

Do you think you have the ability to emphasise the helpful thoughts while you diminish the unhelpful ones?

Do you think there is a way within you to feel the difference with what you are doing?

Do you think your emotions let you know?

Do you believe that you have the ability to think thoughts that feel good?

Do you believe you have the ability to stop a hindering thought in the middle of your awareness of it?

Do you believe that with practice it will get easier?

Do you believe that starting with the easiest of those thoughts is the best way to go about it?

Do you believe the Universe will respond to a better feeling thought with evidence?

Is your point of attraction important to you?

Is your point of attraction the most important thing to you at the moment?

So, as you work your way down this list, the answer to all the questions is YES! By tuning yourself up to the best feeling thoughts you can, helping yourself to feel better and helping to find out where your point of attraction can be improved, moved, changed, no matter how slightly, in a better feeling direction.

If you would like to book a Law of Attraction Counselling session feel free to call me on 07580 514 147. 



Tuesday 14 June 2016

Morning mantra. Setting yourself up for a great day

Having listened to Abraham Hicks audio books, I am shamelessly plugging the material from I am picking out useful ideas which come up in the Workshops and putting them into blogs.

How to set yourself up for a good day, knowing you are surrounded by vibrational support from a friendly Universe. Over your morning coffee, or tea, or as you are in the shower, get used to thinking loving thoughts to yourself.

A statement to ...insert whatever word you use to describe the universal forces we are surrounded by every day.

To:  the Universe/God/Guardian Angel, (whatever word feels comfortable).

Dear Universe,

I acknowledge that I am the object of your positive attention.

I am appreciating your continual gaze on behalf of my well being.


no matter where I am
no matter where I am going
no matter what I am doing
no matter who I am doing it with
I know that you are there with me











Thank you.

Seventeen reasons to be cheerful

More specifically, personal to you, take some time to find 17 things you can find about yourself to be proud of, things you can love about yourself. 

If you have trouble finding 17 specific things, stick to general statements which are true for all humans ie I have skin which heals itself without me having to do anything! I am an amazing human being.

1.       I am a human being, therefore I am amazing.

2.       Seriously, all the cells of my body know how to live and breathe on a daily basis, without me doing anything.

3.       I have the fantastic ability of walking.

4.       I can talk.

5.       I can talk really well.

6.       I can express myself. I have all the words I need make myself understood by other people.

7.       I have a wonderful sense of humour.

8.       I enjoy laughing.

9.       I know when I feel a bad mood coming on.

10.     I am learning how to stay in a good mood for longer.

11.     I am on the right path of helping myself and others.

12.     I am learning how to manage my emotions.

13.     I am making friends with how I feel.

14.     I am in touch with my feelings.

15.     I am practising improving my thinking.

16.     I am grateful for everything and everybody I meet.

17.     I love the challenge of improving my life.

Remember not to be too hard on yourself as you re-train your mind to love yourself. I can send lots of love and light to everyone who needs it, but only you can open the curtains to let the light in.

Tamasin x 

Sunday 5 June 2016

Seventeen Seconds - Law of Attraction

Seventeen seconds

A little exercise with seventeen statements. Seventeen moments of your time for you to think about how you feel, how you are thinking and to help you improve your life experience on a daily basis.

This exercise gives seventeen general statements which apply to every single human being on the planet, so this must include you.

The level you can agree with these statements will bring you towards feeling good about yourself. If the statements bring up negative emotions within you, this will indicate you have areas which you can improve.

At the end of the general statements are examples of seventeen specific Feel Good Statements. Feel free to write your own.

As you read through the list, focus purely on the list. Make yourself comfortable. Find your favourite spot, your most comfortable chair, a lovely warm drink and allow yourself 17 seconds.

17 seconds of pure focus on yourself will help bring clarity, focus, inspired ideas and an improved feeling of wellbeing and confidence.

1.       Everyone deserves to be happy.
I deserve to be happy.

2.       All human beings are born to express creativity.
          I am a creative human being.

3.       All humans have the ability to feel Joy.
          I have the ability to feel Joy.

4.       All human beings are deserving of receiving and giving love.
          I am deserving of love. I have the ability to offer love.

5.       All human beings deserve respect.
          I deserve respect and I deserve to respect myself.

6.       All humans receive behaviour they expect from others.
          I expect to receive respect.

7.       Respecting another human isn’t conditional on how much money they have.
          I deserve respect regardless of how much money I have.

8.       All humans deserve to be treated well.
          I deserve to be treated well.

9.       Humans have the ability to feel good.
          I prefer to feel good.

10.     Positive words lead to positive thoughts, lead to positive feelings.
          I am able to use positive words to lift my own mood.

11.     Humans feel in response to what they are thinking about/looking at.
I am capable of choosing what I am thinking about, knowing that my choices will affect how I feel.

12.     All humans are able to choose good feeling thoughts.
          I can learn to focus my thinking to think better feeling thoughts.

13.     No-one else is responsible for how I feel.
I care about how I feel. I choose to pay attention to how I feel.

14.     All humans are capable of feeling Unconditional Joy.
I can practice feeling better until I am feeling  Joy. For no reason other than it feels good.

15.     My happiness does not depend on the actions or thoughts of other people.
          My happiness is an inside job. My happiness is unconditional.

16.     All humans are capable of creating a better feeling.
Bringing my thoughts into focus will bring a better feeling.

Day by day, moment by moment I am improving how I am feeling.

17.     I feel better already.
Even if it is only a little better, I am heading in the right direction.